Saturday, December 8, 2012

Guru's Burgers & Crepes

With burgers only found in Texas and crepes equivalent to a 5 Star Restaurant's, Guru's Burgers & Crepes in Sugar Land is your next go to place!  With decent prices aptly retailed individually, the burgers and crepes are something to behold.  The burgers have soft bread with perfect ingredients and spices that create quite a spectacle underneath the roof of your palate, and the patties are not just a generic smoke, but rather a memorable, organic simmering that will take its place among those you never forget.  The crepes are soft and flaky, making it a, "melt-in-my-mouth," sort of taste, but having the crepes at such a delicate state, made with such finesse   The service is excellent, waiters constantly asking you (not when your mouth is full though) how you are doing to try and better serve you, accommodating your every need.  The facility itself is squeaky clean, yet laid back!  You can't find a better mix of Asian, European, and Western American food anywhere else!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Meaning of Kindness In Our World

Kindness can be considered cordial, then it can be considered as natural, but to some, it can even be pondered as sacred.  Kindness as cordiality because of the heartfelt feeling that kindness gives to both the recipient and the giver.  Kindness requires the heart and feeling or else it is tainted with being false.  To other people, kindness can be considered natural.  Being raised to be chivalrous and courteous to others with manners can make a person think naturally to be kind to others.  In their perspective, it is otherworldly to not show kindness to others, especially when it is not an inconvenience to the giver.  Finally, kindness can even be a wonder of being sacred to some people, because in this era and generation, kindness shown to others without inconvenience or repayment is rare and sacred to the heart and treasured.  An example of this is a person who works hard everyday and tries to show kindness to those about, and when there is finally another person who tries to do the same, the kindness shown is a treasure to the heart, sacred in fact that it makes your day at least one hundred times better.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Time To Give Thanks

At the time when the Religious Wars of Europe ended, people through all of Europe sought religious freedom for what they truly believed in.  A specific group from England that were known as the Pilgrims received permission from the King of England to go to the New World to escape the turmoil Europe was enduring at the time.  They set out sailing to the Americas, a land newly discovered and unsettled.  At the time they made landfall, it was the season of winter.  This was bad for farming. Thankfully, the Native Americans took the settlers in and provided for them and taught them to survive.  When harvest came, thanks to the Native Americans, the settlers had obtained such a plentiful income that they hosted an enormous feast that included their mentors.  We celebrate this harvest in modern times as Thanksgiving.

Children receive a break from school for a few days, and the entire family celebrates by preparing food in their own household and most commonly, "carving the turkey."  Though we are celebrating the Pilgrims' landfall in North America, we also celebrate the essence of, "being thankful," for all we have, all the blessings and our lives in general.  Things like our family, household, friends, modes of transportation, life, culture, background, etc. are what people usually are thankful for in addition to much, much more.  No matter how challenging our lives can get, there is always a light to whatever situation we can be in.  "Where there is a dove, there is a serpent, and vice versa."

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Music De Cordiality

The richness of music composition just consumes me.  When I close my eyes, a piece of music can transport me to another time, place, setting, or even another universe.  "Earhart-Sounds of Courage," by Robert W. Smith is a piece of such stature.  Last weekend, on a Saturday, November 10, 2012 at the Kinkaid School in  Downtown Houston, I was invited to witness the performance of a chosen few for the, "Regional Band," in the whole area of Houston, Texas.  When I came in, there were children all running around, being ushered onto stage to get ready to perform.  The Middle School and High School region bands were ready to play, to show the world of an arrangement of such a height that would never come together in that form again to play such a piece.  Another piece that transported me to another dimension and time was the piece, "Heroes Triumphant," by William Owens.  Both pieces had an air of magnificence about them with a march style of music.  Never had I witnessed such a change in my heart until I heard those two pieces.  I was on the verge of tears like never before.  The students joined in congress, gathered from all the schools in the Houston area.  I heard that they had difficulty at first, but worked together very well to form the master band I heard upon walking into the Brown Theater on the Kinkaid Campus.  To think they only accomplished this in a span of less than 8 hours!  These kids had to have had really sophisticated training in music.   I hope that all musicians throughout the world would be inspired to try and achieve great heights and pieces like such.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Operation Viral Treats Episode IV: My Halloween Evening

I am traipsing through the woods wearing tan and green tiger-stripe camouflage with a tactical vest hanging from my chest.  Trying to remain silent, I mask the sound of my radio telling me where reinforcements are being shipped in and where tangos are hiding, waiting to pounce on their prey.  I make sure my AK-47 airsoft replica is working, and also confirm that my sidearm of a Ruger P345 airsoft replica is still intact with speed-loader handy and dead rag also reachable.  Also important, I check my hydration pack to make sure there have been no punctures and see if my green parachute cord necklace is still there to alert people if I have been infected with the zombie disease, or if I am part of the Fort Bend militia trying to contain the disease.  This is how I spent my Halloween evening, trying to help the military as Fort Bend militia to control the outbreak of zombie disease from an explosion near Katy, Texas that caused many unknown civilians to turn into zombies, with only the possibility of an airstrike to bring them back as humans, but only so many airstrikes are allowed in this military simulation.  The main objective was to contain the disease and try to survive the Operation Viral Treats:  Episode IV, without turning into a zombie.  There were also minor objectives, like trying to locate food drops to make sure civilians not affected by the zombie disease are taken care of.  The airsoft game simulates a possible real life scenario, that does not have to be with zombies, but rather hostile forces that, as civilians, we may one day be forced into going against in real life.  It helps you simulate CQB scenarios, in which a possible force may break into your home or office building and you will have to retaliate.  It also helps with field games, in which you have to pretend you are like the military, out in the woods, trying to retaliate on a big scale of land and win over your rival's objectives.  Perfect way to spend a Halloween evening right?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Retrospective View on Things

Whenever I am in a retrospective mood, I think about events of the past in my memories, and events in history that shaped the life that I am living today.  Memories that I think about while in a retrospective mood include those of major events in my life, or events that shaped who I am, how I think, how I live, and influence my goals and dreams.  Events in history that I think about while in a retrospective mood include those like past natural disasters, past political events, past cultural changes, and evolutions that formed the world that we recognize today.  Being in a retrospective mood makes me feel grateful and blessed about my life and all the blessings in it.  It also makes me feel so young, as if I was a baby, compared to all the events in history that preceded my life by many years, whether it is a decade, a century, a millennium, or even an eon.  Lastly, they put me in a reflective mood or feeling that makes me contemplate about many things within society today, and what is in my life now, and what will be in my life forever.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Service: Hidden Among Us

Whenever I am lonely or am in need of help, there always seems to be someone who is around to get me out of the mess I got myself into.  It seems as if they are a kind of guardian angel that is there for me when I need it the most, and it makes my day a whole lot better than it was before.  Now, I am starting to see that when I help others, it makes me feel a lot better and is a sort of therapy or a break for my mind.  Doing the small services to others like helping a friend who has been wrongly accused of a mischievous act or comforting a person who grieves or is burdened by matters in life that can make a person go crazy.  Even the seemingly-large acts of service like signing up for food drives, or events at church like a bazaar, or even just signing up for volunteer events for school.  All of these acts of service, big or small, make an impact that could start a domino effect out of kindness.  Once others see you do it, they are inspired to begin this.  Thus, you become, "A city of light set on a hill that cannot be hidden."  I myself used to think that service could not be productive and is not practical for my own schedule.  But the more I allow myself to do it, the more I realize that service is one of those activities that has been hidden away, because I never tried to do it before.  It gives me a different peace of mind that actually lets me say, "Wow, I'm actually doing something that will make a difference in someone's life."

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bombay Pizza Company

Experience a culinary twist where Italian and Indian cuisine come together at the Bombay Pizza Company.  Here you'll find classic pizzas that everyone will recognize along with others that feature exotic spices and unique ingredients.  Examples of these pizzas are Mr. C's Pizza, Gateway to India, Bombay Ranch, etc.  They also have vegetarian options like the Berry Bombay, The Munshi, and Mr. Nehal's.  They also have soups, salads, mini-burgers, rolls, side dishes that complement your entree, and desserts that are the perfect finale to your meal.  They even have a private dining room that seats up to 20 people and can wirelessly stream music from your own Smart Phone.  To satisfy your desire to be outside, they have a patio, and to quench your thirst for finer beverages, a full service bar.  The Bombay Pizza Company was even featured on Food Network's "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" and has everything to accommodate all diners from the regular customer to the sophisticated food critic.  The service is excellent, and after a while, they learn your name. The facility is very clean, and the staff always make sure the table is open, and ready to seat their next customer.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Martial Arts Theory & Practice

Have you ever been to a martial arts tournament? How about seeing one on TV? Well they are fun to watch, but are harder than they seem... It all starts off with martial arts itself, which originally was a form of self defense only meant for defense against others in times of need.  Gradually throughout all the ages, generations after generations have helped it evolve into many different fighting styles, with a style unique to their own country or origins.  Martial Arts has also become more complex and involved in today's society.  There are weapons now that involve some traditional ones like swords and nunchaku or bows and arrows. Then there are some modern forms of martial arts like shooting and military training.  The main goals for martial arts that have constantly withstood the changes of centuries are the need for self-discipline, confidence, speed, agility, strength, and honor that are uniquely known to each discipline of martial arts.  I myself got to see from a firsthand experience when working at a martial arts tournament today.  Not as easy as when I myself used to compete, rather this time I had the privilege of  helping out behind the scenes by score-keeping, time-keeping, attacking during a self defense division, and even the opportunity of being a judge in the ring.  The tournament took place at a school where honor and virtue is the martial artist's pride because of the people who built it up from a small business to a successful chain of martial arts schools.  It shows the true qualities of a martial artist, because you don't have to be very athletic to be one.  All you have to do is to have honor, self-discipline, and confidence in yourself in defending yourself and/or others.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Tribute to Family

Ever had a really long day and when you come home, you can finally take a sigh of relief that you made it to what really matters to you? I will tell you that's how I feel whenever I come home to my family after a long day doing my duties.  To some, the primary inspiration is their son or daughter, and to others, a fiance or set of grandparents.  Whoever it is, they have an impact on what you do throughout your day.  Family, the one thing that will prevail through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, through poverty and wealth, etc.  You may have your quarrels, your disagreements, your grudges, but you must admit that your family, both immediate and extended, is your refuge; your stronghold that has always been there throughout your whole life, brother or sister, niece or nephew, mother or father, aunt or uncle, grandmother or grandfather, or even mother-in-law or father-in-law.  A simple, "I love you!," can make your whole day brighter or give you an inspiration to make it through tough times, a hug or kiss can give your son, daughter, spouse, parents, etc. a better day and lift their spirits.  No matter what life can give you, success, failure, happiness, heart-breaking sadness, a family is what will always make it through, even if there are nuclear-seeming disagreements.  I can tell you this, throughout my whole life, I have had fads come and go, I have had friends who can appear and disappear in my perspective, but no matter what, my family has been a place of refuge and love that I can always depend on.  I have also learned that a family is not, "Every man for himself," but rather a cause for teamwork and team effort.  No matter what beliefs a family has, a family exists when people confide in each other as a place of refuge and support each other and love each other.  A family does not have to exist just because you are related to one another or through marital relationships. No! A family only exists with an exchange of love, true love between one another.  A family can exist between people who are not related to each other as well, but trust each other, support each other, but most importantly love each other. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Sweet Boutique

Have you ever wanted a french macaroon, yet could never find a place nearby serving one?  How about a gourmet cake pop, created with the best craftsmanship that only a master baker could duplicate?  Well look no further.  The Sweet Boutique is here ready to serve your craving of gourmet pastries!  Located in Sugar Land's very own Town Center, the Sweet Boutique is a nice little shop that can satisfy a person with an expensive taste of maybe french macaroons, cake pops, snicker doodles, cupcakes, and even custom cakes, at special request!  The French Macaroons are true, exquisite little pastries capturing, "heaven," in a bite, melting as soon as you start to bite in.  It makes you forget all your troubles.  The Cake Pops will satisfy your toddler's craving for a lollipop, and yet have that little firework display in your mouth.  The Cupcakes are the fun-fetti bomb, decorated with the rich and decadent sugar icing on top with edible sprinkles and your choice of red velvet, strawberry, chocolate, cookies & cream, etc.  The choices are endless and offer a satisfaction to any sweet craving of pastries of all kinds!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dancing Through Space & Time

Have you gone to a reception or a dance club where it is supposed to be an event for dancing and everyone there does not dance at all? The truth is, studies show that this is because not as many people today know how to dance to the music of today.  The United States of America is a nation made and literally held up by the melting pot of cultures that reside here and migrated here for a variety of reasons.  Not surprisingly, all of these cultures have their very own dances.  Many people who have their roots from other countries are taught these cultural dances as children.  The dilemma is that they do not know how to incorporate them in today's, "modern," music while paralyzed in performing them well to traditional music that they were accustomed to.  What we have to come to realize is that if we allow ourselves to do that, the culture itself will die gradually because of living in the past.

  An alternative to dancing to the cultural music is doing the dances to music of today that have the same beat or tempo as the music we were taught to dance to.  One example of this is the, "Salsa," from the Latin American cultures or Spanish cultures in Western Europe.  We can put this to many different kinds of beats in the so-called, "mainstream," music of today.  How about dances from India & Bollywood? Those are also very energetic dances that be applied to the music of today and the really fast-paced choreography taught to those who have the native blood in them.  What about America's very own Hip-Hop and Break-Dancing? To those who have learned it, you can use it anywhere in America if the music has the right tempo, using dances from today, all the way back to 1980's! There are so many possibilities, that it is not impossible for people not to know how to dance.  Hopping up and down, leg in leg out, that's a dance right there.  Although some people refrain from dancing because they feel they lack the skill or rhythm to do so, I would encourage everyone to try! They might even discover their own hidden passion for dance.  A few years ago, I never thought I would enjoy dancing, but after quite a few Zumba sessions, I was hooked!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Etiquette: Where is it in our world today?

When was the last time you saw a person open the door for someone and letting them go first? How about seeing someone spread a napkin over themselves before a meal? Not too often now that you think about it right? In today's society, some people consider it, "Old-Fashioned," to do the polite things in life, or as it is more well-known, etiquette and manners.  Just following the simple rules of life is simply not enough! Today, you scarcely see anyone smile at strangers in public or greet each other, "Good Morning!" Aren't these small acts of kindness what makes a good opening to your day? There are so many types of manners, such as table manners, traveling manners, restaurant manners, business manners, even manners at the home, that some of these have been forgotten! Have you heard that you are supposed to spoon your soup going outwards when ladling it from your bowl into your mouth? What about that your supposed to sit the elderly at the front and not at the back when traveling in a car? There are some really old ones, like when a lady at the table asks to excuse herself, the men at the table are supposed to partially stand and acknowledge the lady excusing herself from the table.  Even though you may earn some odd looks from witnesses, if you know what to do, then do it! It will earn you respect and if they do not show it, they really just respect and admire you on the inside.  Every little thing counts a lot if every person did their part.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Hidden Paradise: The Gaylord Hotel & Convention Center

A hidden gem of paradise located in a suburb of Dallas, Texas called Grapevine, The Gaylord Texan Hotel & Convention Center is a true representation of what Texas is all about in luxury and, "Southern Hospitality."  Very homey and comfortable, but boasting of extravagance and the wealth of the South, the Gaylord Texan is the Official Hotel of the Dallas Cowboys, and is the perfect substitute for a water park during the summer months of intense Texan heat. During the winter, they have a, "Winter Wonderland," that caters to a child-friendly audience.  There is a mini city within the hotel with a water park, two swimming pools, shops, restaurants, an Old Spanish Mission, a replica river walk, and a spectacular Texas star beaming down on it all.

Part of what lured us here was the fact that Manny Pacquiao stays here when he fights at The Cowboy Stadium.  (The Pacman is said to rent out a whole section of the the Gaylord Texan for his entourage when he stays there.) Surprisingly, despite its extravagance, it is affordable for most people to stay there.  The accommodations are not so shabby either.  I slept like a baby and felt at home.
Not to mention, it is also conveniently located near The Grapevine Mills Outlet Mall.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Creamery

A small little creamery in the heart of Sugar Land, Texas, the Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Creamery is deceiving on the outside, but full of surprise on the inside.  From the outside, this looks like just any other frozen yogurt shop, full of inflated prices and cheap quality frozen yogurt.  But on the inside, it is the perfect hangout for any toddler, elementary student, tween, teenager, college scholar, and fitting for even a parent date night!  There, you are surrounded by many dispensers of colorful concoctions of frozen yogurt! From cookies & cream, to red velvet, and even to the famous fat-free Orange Leaf flavor! The price is very convenient at only $0.45/ounce, and have containers that will satisfy any craving for an ice cream fanatic! The atmosphere is perfect for any occasion, quiet enough to study or read there, free Wi-Fi, and even free board games available to use!  The full-bodied & creamy texture of the frozen yogurt will have you forgetting about all your stress and problems at least for an hour.  It's yogurt, so it's guilt free!