Sunday, October 21, 2012

Service: Hidden Among Us

Whenever I am lonely or am in need of help, there always seems to be someone who is around to get me out of the mess I got myself into.  It seems as if they are a kind of guardian angel that is there for me when I need it the most, and it makes my day a whole lot better than it was before.  Now, I am starting to see that when I help others, it makes me feel a lot better and is a sort of therapy or a break for my mind.  Doing the small services to others like helping a friend who has been wrongly accused of a mischievous act or comforting a person who grieves or is burdened by matters in life that can make a person go crazy.  Even the seemingly-large acts of service like signing up for food drives, or events at church like a bazaar, or even just signing up for volunteer events for school.  All of these acts of service, big or small, make an impact that could start a domino effect out of kindness.  Once others see you do it, they are inspired to begin this.  Thus, you become, "A city of light set on a hill that cannot be hidden."  I myself used to think that service could not be productive and is not practical for my own schedule.  But the more I allow myself to do it, the more I realize that service is one of those activities that has been hidden away, because I never tried to do it before.  It gives me a different peace of mind that actually lets me say, "Wow, I'm actually doing something that will make a difference in someone's life."

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