Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Tribute to Family

Ever had a really long day and when you come home, you can finally take a sigh of relief that you made it to what really matters to you? I will tell you that's how I feel whenever I come home to my family after a long day doing my duties.  To some, the primary inspiration is their son or daughter, and to others, a fiance or set of grandparents.  Whoever it is, they have an impact on what you do throughout your day.  Family, the one thing that will prevail through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, through poverty and wealth, etc.  You may have your quarrels, your disagreements, your grudges, but you must admit that your family, both immediate and extended, is your refuge; your stronghold that has always been there throughout your whole life, brother or sister, niece or nephew, mother or father, aunt or uncle, grandmother or grandfather, or even mother-in-law or father-in-law.  A simple, "I love you!," can make your whole day brighter or give you an inspiration to make it through tough times, a hug or kiss can give your son, daughter, spouse, parents, etc. a better day and lift their spirits.  No matter what life can give you, success, failure, happiness, heart-breaking sadness, a family is what will always make it through, even if there are nuclear-seeming disagreements.  I can tell you this, throughout my whole life, I have had fads come and go, I have had friends who can appear and disappear in my perspective, but no matter what, my family has been a place of refuge and love that I can always depend on.  I have also learned that a family is not, "Every man for himself," but rather a cause for teamwork and team effort.  No matter what beliefs a family has, a family exists when people confide in each other as a place of refuge and support each other and love each other.  A family does not have to exist just because you are related to one another or through marital relationships. No! A family only exists with an exchange of love, true love between one another.  A family can exist between people who are not related to each other as well, but trust each other, support each other, but most importantly love each other. 

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