Sunday, September 9, 2012

Etiquette: Where is it in our world today?

When was the last time you saw a person open the door for someone and letting them go first? How about seeing someone spread a napkin over themselves before a meal? Not too often now that you think about it right? In today's society, some people consider it, "Old-Fashioned," to do the polite things in life, or as it is more well-known, etiquette and manners.  Just following the simple rules of life is simply not enough! Today, you scarcely see anyone smile at strangers in public or greet each other, "Good Morning!" Aren't these small acts of kindness what makes a good opening to your day? There are so many types of manners, such as table manners, traveling manners, restaurant manners, business manners, even manners at the home, that some of these have been forgotten! Have you heard that you are supposed to spoon your soup going outwards when ladling it from your bowl into your mouth? What about that your supposed to sit the elderly at the front and not at the back when traveling in a car? There are some really old ones, like when a lady at the table asks to excuse herself, the men at the table are supposed to partially stand and acknowledge the lady excusing herself from the table.  Even though you may earn some odd looks from witnesses, if you know what to do, then do it! It will earn you respect and if they do not show it, they really just respect and admire you on the inside.  Every little thing counts a lot if every person did their part.

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