Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tea & A Sunrise

Waking up is such a familiar concept, yet it has such a mysterious beauty to it that we never quite grasp.  You open your eyes after a slumber, whether it be during daylight or night's darkness, and begin again.  It doesn't matter whether you slept 12 hours, 24 hours, or even just an hour.  Waking up is always the same for all people, to a new beginning where you had previously left off.  Hearing the sound of an alarm, being gently awoken by a loved one's tender touch, or even being awoken due to a sudden flush of cold water being thrown on you all have the same effect of beginning anew, or at least I would hope so!

I have not been able to blog for quite a while now due to life and all its craziness, and I am not even sure that after this one I'll be able to get back to it on a regular basis, but life decided to give me a chance this morning, especially after the sunrise gave itself to me to put me in a writing mood.  I'm sure that you can understand how that feels, to finally have a mood to write after so long of not being able to.  It's not that you really couldn't, but that time and life just got in the way.  Always running and never pausing to stop and think about the racing through life that you always do.  This may not be you, but for me, it's a very familiar concept.  

Enough of that for now.  I don't know what possessed me to finally got on here after a while, but something did, and I think it had to do a little something with the course of events that happened after I woke up.  On this Sunday, October 5, 2014, I woke up as always to the sound of my alarm.  Then I went to the kitchen to make myself a bit of tea.  (Yes tea.  No, I am not a hippie, and no, I'm not British.  I just like tea.  I hope that's okay?  If it isn't, I apologize in advance, because I don't plan on changing this for a while at least.)  Then, as I opened the blinds, a steady stream of sunlight came rushing into the whole house.  At this time, I realized how much I missed doing that, as life has not allowed to me to do this simple act in a very long time.  For once, I was aware of how much I missed this small thing that reminded me of all the little things I used to do and are only held dear in my memories due to the time that has passed.  As I looked out of my window sipping my tea, I realized how much I miss what has passed, who I used to be, and the sense of always knowing what would happen next.  I guess that overused statement, "You never know what you have until it's gone," really does have some truth to it.  Don't get me wrong, there have always been times of uncertainty, but recently, a lot of things have been changing so fast that I just can't keep up like I used to.  Now, the only constant that seems to be present is my family, my faith, and the race of life with all its running and stressful moments here, there, and everywhere.  But then again, upon reflection, I wouldn't appreciate mornings like this one if weren't for the days of staying up until 1 or 2 in the wee hours of the morning working on deadlines and briefing myself for the events to come in the next 3 or 4 hours.  It's funny to think that only a few months ago, I felt that sleeping at 11pm on a M-F evening was really late, and that here I am those months later sleeping only two or three hours on some evenings, and five or six hours being a good evening.  I guess that comes with life as it progresses.  And reading through all that I've written, I realize now that I haven't really written anything concrete, and that all this is a recorded version of all the things my mind has been darting to and from for the past few minutes.  It's funny looking at all the things you start thinking about when you let your mind do its own thing.  If I could, I would do this for eternity, but life goes on, and the hands of time keep ticking the moments away.  If I'm not careful, I'll do what I've always been good and waste the day away.  These next few weeks are a bit hectic for me.  I kind of need to get ahead with the deadlines today so that I'm not drowning in weeks to come.  Whatever happens, happens for reason.  All I can do is hope for the best after I've given my share of the 110% I've pledged to life.  Then it's up to the big guy's plans from there on.  Only time will tell.

I'm sorry if this type of blogging isn't your cup of tea.  Today I just felt the need to blog it as it is.  If you like it, glad you do.  If you don't, I would hope that I would do something more concrete next time life allows me to get back to it.  No promises, only things that I would hope make you feel a bit better after reading this.  Now here's a pic I captured of mid-sunrise a few minutes ago.  

Until life's next allowance, God Bless You All.  
