Sunday, October 20, 2013

St. Laurence Catholic Church Parish Bazaar 2013

Down in the heart of Sugar Land, Texas lies a small, but loving community.  This community, consisting of a heaping amount of Christians, is at St. Laurence Catholic Church.  Today, I went to their carnival-like event known as the "Parish Bazaar" and was amazed how much happiness and love can be exchanged while simultaneously indulging on things like games, confetti eggs, sausage on a stick, and multiple ethnic group booths.  Local organizations came out to help excite the local Church community such as the Boy Scouts of America, the Leo Club (an affiliation of the Lions Club International), the Knights of Columbus, and multiple church ministries from the parish.  I myself experienced the excitement of service when I helped supervise and operate multiple booths.  It was so lively, I could barely contain my normally calm personality that turned into one jumping for limitless joy.  This event is not just an event for manly desires, but an event for socializing with others, loving as Christ loves, serving all without a care in the world, and becoming truly a Body of Christ with happiness and love all around.  If you have time to go to this event this weekend, please go.  Even if you don't usually come down to Sugar Land, Texas too much, if you ever find yourself here in October, please stop by this parish event at St. Laurence Catholic Church.  It's something you won't regret doing, and an event of light and Christ's love that you will never forget.