Sunday, September 22, 2013

Getting Caught Up & Time Passing By

Tick, tock, tick, tock.  That's a sound all of us are familiar with, a clock's second hand ticking away.  This sound marks the passing of a second, and is a constant for all of us.  It also marks the passing of precious seconds in our life hat we're meant to live to the fullest.  Throughout all of our daily routines, each of us forgets how important it is to make the most of the life we've been given, and we forget how little time each of us has on this Earth.  Of course, it is important to work at your jobs to make a living and put food on the table and a roof over your head.  Of course it's important to go to school and get your diploma and degree.  Of course it's important to tend to our individual families after this.  But in addition to all of this is the mental perspective of it all.  How many of you thank whatever force you believe in for your jobs?  How many of you just feel thankful to have a family who loves you and who you can love?  How many of you just take a moment aside each day, not even for maybe just one minute or so, just to breathe and realize the good things in life, no matter how many bad are threatening to consume us?  By doing this, we can repel the bad things at our doorstep.  A philosophy I firmly believe in is not to let fear, anger, or stress consume us when dealing with these, but rather, keeping in mind all the good things about the situation, and then taking that power from positive thoughts, and using it to vanquish the negative situation at hand.  It neutralizes all bad situations and makes it possible for us to help good blossom from bad, and light emanate from darkness.  Time passes by all of us, and of course we get caught up in its never stopping regiment.  The question now presented is, are you using that time right, and are you truly aware of all that is around you?  If so, power to you.  If not, think about ways to truly become aware of all our surroundings and appreciate the good in life.