Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Heart of Worship: St. Laurence Catholic Church

This Saturday I was notified of an all-day event at St. Laurence Catholic Parish.  This event was known as the Heart of Worship, an event started ten years ago as a way to kindle the flames within our hearts as a Catholic people to use our light to light other people's hearts on fire with God's love and grace.  I attended and was changed by the experience.  Worshiping all day and giving my heart to God through song, scripture, and conversing changed my life.  Starting in the morning with just paying an at the door fee of $20 for the whole day, I stayed all day listening to great speakers and partaking in activities often done at retreats, and in the evening before Mass, we ate a meal catered by Pappa's Bar-B-Q and were served by clubs at St. Laurence Catholic School like the Leo's Club, the National Junior Honor Society, the Spanish Honor Society, the National Elementary Honor Society, and etc.  One of the sayings and teachings that stuck with me was a line quoted from St. Francis de Sales, "Lord, my heart belongs to you, and to you alone."  At this retreat my heart was truly, "lit with God's love and grace," and thus the slogan for the event was fulfilled.  All of the hundreds of people attending and barely fitting in the Church were truly given, "Hearts on fire with the light of God's love."